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WKWebView 오류 본문

IT(Old)/iOS & Swift

WKWebView 오류

woojang 2020. 9. 8. 21:58



Resolving WebKit Error: Could not instantiate class named WKWebView

Here is the solution to resolve the error: "Could not instantiate class named WKWebView because no class named WKWebView was found" in Xcode 10.2.


링크 참고.

** 심플 정리
좌측에 프로젝트 최고레벨 선택 -> 우측창 상단에 [Build Phases]탭 클릭 -> 아래 목록 중 [Link Binary With Libraries]를 펼친다.
-> "+"선택하여 "WebKit.framework"를 추가. -> 프로젝스 실행
